Caring For Your Steel Doors

While steel doors are incredibly durable, they still need a little bit of maintenance every now and then.  Spending ten minutes every few months inspecting, maintaining, and caring for you steel your doors will keep them lasting for years. Here are several tips to help maintain your steel doors: Inspect your doors regularly To keep…

Windows for Commercial Buildings: Everything You Need to Know About Glass

Different types of windows will not only impact the utility costs of a commercial building but also its curb appeal. And although your potential tenants may make their judgments based on the exterior, heat, and noise insulation considerations significantly influence the interior space. Moreover, building codes and environmental factors are the other guiding factors when…

How Do Double-Pane Windows Conserve Energy?

Most people understand that double-pane windows help reduce heating and cooling costs. However, the ways they achieve this goal aren’t as widely known. A second layer of glass also offers a few other important benefits that everyone should discover before making any window-buying decisions. Gases Unlike single-pane units, these windows have a space between the…